Now on Pre-Pub: The Reformation Trust Collection

For over forty years, R. C. Sproul has been teaching and preaching the Word of God. In 1971, he founded a little ministry in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, with the idea that there was a gap between Sunday School and seminary that needed to be filled.

R. C. Sproul’s passion for God spread like a wildfire—he soon became a highly sought after speaker, and his books sold as fast as they could print them. He started a radio program that is now heard in over forty countries worldwide, he is the executive editor of Tabletalk magazine, and he was the general editor for The Reformation Study Bible.

Ligonier Ministries, now located near Orlando, Florida, has become an international multi-media ministry, bringing people closer to God from many different platforms.

Today, we are pleased to share the latest Pre-Pub to come from Ligonier Ministry’s publishing imprint, the Reformation Trust Collection (35 vols.). This collection brings together some of the best and most recent works by today’s leading Reformed pastors and scholars, including fifteen volumes by R. C. Sproul. These works cover a variety of topics, but all share the same commitment that Ligonier has maintained since its inception forty years ago: “to faithfully present the unvarnished truth of Scripture and help people grow in their knowledge of God and His holiness.”

So head over to the Reformation Trust Collection (35 vols.) page and check out the fifteen works by R. C. Sproul and the other impressive list of contributors to this awesome collection—authors like Joel R. Beeke, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Derek Thomas, Burk Parsons, R. C. Sproul Jr., and more. Once you begin reading one of Sproul’s works, you’ll see why this gifted preacher has been able to reach millions with the message of God. Scroll down the page, and you’ll see why Sproul and Ligonier hand-picked these trusted authors to represent their ministry.

Get Reformation Trust Collection (35 vols.)today.

Today’s guest post is by Robert Campbell, from the Logos Bible Software marketing team.

What titles in this collection do you look forward to adding to your Logos resources? Tell us about it!

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