Get Logos Training Made Especially for Academics

Now that Bible software is a standard tool for ministry and for academic biblical studies, Bible software training has become a necessary part of the seminary curriculum. Major seminaries across the country and the world, such as Dallas, Moody, and Ridley (Australia), have made Logos Bible Software an integral part of the training they offer.

The brand new Logos Academic Training Bundle (4 courses) is a concise but thorough program for teaching anyone in biblical studies how to use Logos. Students, professors, and practitioners will all benefit.

Practical, hands-on training in Logos

Good teachers know that one key way to produce understanding in their students is to connect the subject matter at hand to the students’ existing interests. When it comes to Bible software, that means showing students how to get more insight (and more responsible, footnotable insight) out of their work in biblical studies. That’s why the entire Logos Academic Training Course focuses on the study of a specific Bible passage, Luke 20:41–44.

This is a passage in which Jesus is quoting Psalm 110:1, word-for-word (minus one definite article) from the Septuagint, so multiple specialized Logos tools come into play in the interpretation of this passage: the New Testament Use of the Old Testament tool, Greek and Hebrew word study tools, the Logos Exegetical Guide, the Grammatical Constructions section of the Passage Guide, the Sentence Flow diagramming tool, Clause Visualization, and Discourse Features. That’s why this passage provides such a powerful opportunity for understanding every facet of Logos Bible Software.

These four, concise courses will teach you important academic tasks—all in under an hour each. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. LT101 shows you the basics Logos software.
  2. LT102 demonstrates how to exegete a Scripture passage.
  3. LT103 equips you to research a biblical topic.
  4. LT104 teaches you how to organize and communicate the results of their research.

We could have listed all of Logos’ features and given dry, technical explanations of what those features do, but this is a poor way to learn. Instead, we relate the tools to the study of Jesus’ words in Luke 20. Professors themselves have told us that this is their favored way of learning to use Logos. This way, the use of lexicons, Bible translations, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, vocab cards, visual filters, figurative language and other intricate tagging of the Bible text are taught in a way relevant to actual exegetical and theological questions.

Pastors, too, will find it easier to learn Logos in the context of the kind of exegetical work they are already doing.

The Logos Academic Training course will be a help to anyone who wants to learn or to teach the use of Bible software as an academic or ministry skill.


The Logos Academic Training Bundle is available now! Get nearly four hours of specialized training made with the needs of seminary students, professors, and serious students of the Word in mind.

Written by
Mark Ward

Mark Ward (PhD, Bob Jones University) is an editor in the book division at Crossway. He is the author of several books and textbooks including Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption (BJU Press, 2016), Basics for a Biblical Worldview (BJU Press, 2021), and Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible (Lexham Press, 2018). He is an active YouTuber.

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Written by Mark Ward