Logos 4: Collins Thesaurus of the Bible

Today’s post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials.

I’m often asked if I still learn anything new about Logos. The answer is a resounding yes! The features and resources available in Logos make up a vast goldmine waiting to be explored. I recently noticed a topical Bible, currently available in most Logos base packages, that pulls together in one place numerous verses about a subject. Collins Thesaurus of the Bible organizes thousands of verses around nearly one thousand topics.

I encourage you to open this resource, display its table of contents, and explore its arrangement and riches. This is one of the most thorough yet user-friendly reference books I’ve ever encountered. If you enjoy doing topical and/or cross-reference work, you’ll benefit from this book. After familiarizing yourself with it, try this organizational tip for easy access:

  • Open the Library.
  • Click Prioritize. (1)
  • Enter this text in the Library’s Find box: title:collin’s. (2)
  • Drag Collins Thesaurus of the Bible from the left side of the library to the Prefer these resources list on the left. (3)
  • Make sure the Thesaurus is in the top five of your prioritized topical books.


  • Navigate in a Bible to a passage like Ephesians 2:20–21. (4)
  • Right click on a word—temple, dwelling, etc. (5)
  • Select from the right menu Selection “your word” | Collins Thesaurus of the Bible. (6)
  • Notice that the resource jumps to an article about your subject even though it may not be the exact word.



Please note that if you try to right-click the plural form of a word such as apostles or prophets in Ephesians 2:20 the thesaurus may not show up on the right menu. If this occurs try this:

  • Manually select the singular form of the word, leaving off the “s” (in other words manually highlight apostle rather than right clicking on apostles). (7)
  • Right-click on the selected singular form of the word. (7)
  • Select from the right menu: Selection “your singular form of the word” | Collins Thesaurus of the Bible. (8)


Now enjoy the extensive cross-references, along with the actual verse texts, found in this book!

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor