How to Compare Original Language Words in Logos

compare original language words

I recently answered this question from a pastor and fellow Logos user:

How can I do a comparison of the two primary Greek words translated “know” in the New Testament?

This is an excellent question. Here’s how I responded to him.

  • Choose Guides | Bible Word Study
  • Type know in the Word box (A)
  • Press the Enter key to generate the report
  • Notice the ring, in the Greek Words section, which displays all of the Greek words translated know in your Preferred Bible (B)
  • Click the Greek word οἶδα outside the blue section of the ring (C)
  • Notice below the ring all the places this Greek word is translated know in your designated Bible (D)
  • Click the Greek word οἶδα to the left of the numbers below the ring (E)

compare original language words

  • Notice a Bible Word Study report opens for this Greek word (F)

compare original language words

  • Click, in the first report for know, the Greek word γινώσκω outside the red section of the ring (G)
  • Notice below the ring all the places this Greek word is translated know in your designated Bible (H)
  • Click the Greek word γινώσκω to the left of the numbers below the ring (I)

compare original language words

  • Notice a Bible Word Study report opens for this Greek word (J)

compare original language words

Now with the two Bible Word Study reports open for the Greek words translated know (K), you can easily use the various sections in the reports to compare and contrast these words!

compare original language words

Try this same type of study beginning with the English word forgive, praise, life, love, or any word you choose. Using multiple Bible Word Study reports is an excellent way to begin a topic study!

For even more training on using the Bible Word Study guide and other Logos features, be sure to check out the Logos 6 Training Manual Volumes 1 & 2 Bundle or attend a live, upcoming Camp Logos in either Tyler, TX or Columbia, MD.

morris proctor


Morris Proctor is a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris, who has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, provides many training materials.

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor