Author - Daniel Foster

Daniel enjoys explaining technology to people, capturing the perfect screenshot, playing board games, and world travel. Not in that order.

The Serendipity Curve

Note: Creating Passionate Users is a secular blog, unrelated to Logos, and as such may use terms or images we wouldn’t choose. Creating Passionate Users is a seriously smart and interesting blog on user-oriented product design. A recent post...

Converting the Pastor

I received the following story from Rob Suggs, a reviewer and enthusiastic user of Logos. I share it with Rob’s permissionbecause of how well itillustrates the “aha” momentwe love to provide for new users. If you want an easy way...

Visualizations are Cool

I’m not a programmer but my geek streak gets fired up by new visualizations of data, especially visualizations that are interactive. Logos 3 includes a ton of neat-o (and useful) visualizations—from wee, data-dense sparklines tothe “word...

Bible Study on the High Seas

Today’s guest blogger is Landon Norton, who works in ministry relations at Logos and is a veteran of the 2006 Bible Road Trip. Logos in the “bar” As a member of the Ministry Relations team whose privilege it is to present Logos...

Sipping from a Firehose

I love being a dad and one of my favorite moments every day is when I get home after work and my daughters, aged 2 and 4, run to the door with hugs and squeals of delight. Makes a guy feel like a hero. It can also be a bit overwhelming, as the girls...

Logos Expands Again

The last week of December saw another shuffle at our Bellingham offices. Hopefully it was all transparent to you, the customer, but about half of us moved our desks to a different location. The growing Design & Editorial department moved across...

We Love Your Suggestions

Developer David Mitchell examines screenshotsof Logos workspaces submitted by users. Logos customers make lots of great suggestions. Suggestions for books to digitize, features to add or tweak, website enhancements, you name it. Most suggestions...

The Case for an E-Library

The forthcoming issue of Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal includes an extensive (3,400+ word!) review of Scholar’s Library: Gold – Logos Bible Software 3. We received permission to post the review at in advance of publication...

Know Thy Books

Owning a large digital library is great when you can consult precisely the book you need at the moment you need it. Buta vast digital holdingcan present challenges when deciding whether to buy a new collection, such as the 2006 Christmas Special...

Christmas Cheer and Festivities

All work and no play makes for a gloomy office . . . especially around Christmas. So here are some highlights of our play during the past few weeks. This year’s office decorating contest was a battle of the grinches with two departments...

Christmas Specials!

If you’ve been to recently you’ve seen that we’re offering Free Shipping on web orders through the end of December. But we’ve also created a special edition, Christmas 2006-only collection of books called Library...

Reaching a Critical Mass

Today’s guest blogger is Dale Pritchett, vice president of sales and marketing for Logos Bible Software. User Mark Alison wrote in the Logos Newsgroup, “I don’t think Logos or anyone else will ever have rights to every...

Giving Thanks for Another Great Year

It’s been a great year for Logos in so many ways. We’re thankful for the enthusiastic response to the Logos 3 release, safety on the Bible Road Trip and a warm reception wherever we travelled, strong sales growth,deepening relationships...

NZ Road Trip Report

Dale and Jenni Pritchett recently returned from New Zealand, where they did nine Bible Road Trip events. Here’s their retrospective on the trip plus a few photos… Jenni and I are just getting back to normal after spending about two and...

Logos on the TV

Late last week, the Logos offices were invaded by acamera crew shooting footage for the Bellingham/Whatcom 2006Large Business of the Year awards ceremony. Logos Bible Softwarehas been selected asa finalist for the award, which is sponsored every...

Logos in the News

If you live in the St. Petersburg, Florida, area you might have opened up the paper last Saturday to see Logos’ own Scott Lindsey looking back at you. The paper’s religion section carried a very nice feature article on Scott’s...

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